Energy Ball using Sealife

Energy ball


Rolled oats- 1 cup

Cumin powder 1 tsp

Peanut butter 4 tbsp

Museli - 1/2 cup

Cardamom powder 1 tsp

Sesame seeds 1 tsp

Honey 4 tbsp

Water 3/ 4th cup

Sea life 1- 2 tsp


In a bowl mix rolled oats, cumin powder, museli, peanut butter.  Dissolve sea life in 3/ 4th cup of water in a double boiler manner. Add honey into it and mix well. Pour the sea life solution into the dried ingredients and mix well. At last add sesame seeds and mix properly. Make small same sized balls from the mix. Keep it for 15 minutes in room temperature. Serve. In an air tight container it can be stored for 1 week.